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SanDisk 32GB SDXC C10 UHS-II U3 V90 R300/W260MB/s Extreme Pro

For super-fast continuous burst mode shots, maximum post-production workflow efficiency, and high-performance video recording performance, get a SanDisk Extreme PRO® SDHC™ or SDXC™ UHS-II card. The high-performance SDHC and SDXC memory cards boast shot speeds up to 260MB/s* (1733X) and transfer speeds up to 300MB/s* (2000X). Their sustained video capture of 30MB/s (U3)2 supports 32GB to 128GB** of Full HD and cinema-quality 4K video recording1. Optimized for cameras that support the new UHS-II standard, SanDisk Extreme PRO SDHC and SDXC UHS-II cards deliver the uncompromising results that professional photographers demand.
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